
Inhibitory control of memory consolidation in primary somatosensory cortex


Recent evidence suggests that our ability to memorize sensory events relies on activity in primary sensory cortices in the hours after training, but the cellular mechanisms are unclear. Our hypothesis is that local inhibition shapes the offline replay of activity in excitatory neurons and supports the formation of cellular engrams. To test this hypothesis, we aim to use a rapidly learnt thermal stimulus detection task in combination with activity manipulations and longitudinal two-photon calcium imaging. We have four work packages; (i) testing the role of fS1 in a novel thermal detection task; investigate the global and local activity of the fS1 (ii) excitatory and (iii) inhibitory networks pre-, during and post- learning; (iv) quantify the impact of disinhibitory pathways on consolidation. Our project will contribute to the CRC by investigating the mechanisms of memory consolidation at the level of identified cell types embedded within connected circuits in vivo.

Image Thermal image of mouse with forepaw resting on Peltier element (See also Neuron 106(5)830-841. 2020). Courtesy of Ricardo Paricio-Montesinos

Archive – A05 (SFB1315/1)



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