Contextual modulation of spatial memory consolidation

The proposed project investigates contextual factors that may determine the relative contributions of hippocampus and neocortex within networks for spatial memory consolidation. Our central hypothesis is that availability of previous spatial knowledge critically determines hippocampal-neocortical interactions during systems consolidation. In four work packages (WPs), we will combine electrophysiological, pharmacological, imaging and lesion approaches in human patients and normal human subjects. In WP 1, we will study schema effects on ripples recorded from the human medial temporal lobe and neocortex. In WP 2, we will study whether early memory consolidation of schema-congruent and -incongruent information show a differential susceptibility to transient modulation of hippocampal activity with the anesthetic propofol. In WP3, we will study how contextual information modifies consolidation of spatial information acquired during free navigation. In WP 4, we will study how the availability of remote spatial memory facilitates consolidation of spatial memoranda independently from the hippocampus. View B05’s Video on YouTube here
Image Navigation task setting. Source, Jürgen Hohmuth
Prof Dr med Christoph Ploner
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Head Brain & Behaviour
Prof Dr med Carsten Finke
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Head Cognitive Neurology Lab
Prof Dr Klaus Gramann
Technische Universität Berlin
B04, B05, C02 Associate PI
Dr Greta Melega
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
B05 Postdoc
Dr Katharina Wurdack
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
B05 Postdoc
Maria Alcobendas Liern
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
B05 PhD
Dr Deetje Iggena
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
B05 Postdoc
Patrizia Maier
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
B05 PhD
Jan Martin
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Student helper 2020-2022 - B05 Alumnus
T. Bothe
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Student helper 2019 - B05 Alumnus/Alumna
Development of Spatial Memory Consolidation: A Comparison Between Children and Adults
Patrizia M. Maier, Iryna Schommartz, Deetje Iggena, Carsten Finke, Christoph J. Ploner, Yee Lee Shing
Dev Psychol. (2024)
Memory consolidation affects the interplay of place and response navigation
Patrizia M. Maier, Deetje Iggena, Christoph J. Ploner, Carsten Finke
Cortex. 175;12-27 (2024)
Persistent cognitive deficits in anti-LGI1 encephalitis are linked to a reorganization of structural brain networks
Stephan Krohn, Leonie Müller-Jensen, Joseph Kuchling, Amy Romanello, Thorsten Bartsch, Frank Leypoldt, Friedemann Paul, Harald Prüss, Carsten Finke
bioRxiv (2024)
Definition of the Post-COVID syndrome using a symptom-based Post-COVID score in a prospective, multi-center, cross-sectoral cohort of the German National Pandemic Cohort Network (NAPKON)
Katharina S. Appel, Carolin Nürnberger, Thomas Bahmer, Christian Förster, Maria Cristina Polidori, Mirjam Kohls, Tanja Kraus, Nora Hettich-Damm, Julia Petersen, Sabine Blaschke, Isabel Bröhl, Jana Butzmann, Hiwa Dashti, Jürgen Deckert, Michael Dreher, Karin Fiedler, Carsten Finke, Ramsia Geisler, Frank Hanses, Sina M. Hopff, Björn-Erik O. Jensen, Margarethe Konik, Kristin Lehnert, Susana M. Nunes de Miranda, Lazar Mitrov, Olga Miljukov, Jens-Peter Reese, Gernot Rohde, Margarete Scherer, Kristin Tausche, Johannes J. Tebbe, Jörg Janne Vehreschild, Florian Voit, Patricia Wagner, Martin Weigl, Christina Lemhöfer on behalf of the NAPKON Study Group
Infection (2024)
Predictors of non-recovery from fatigue and cognitive deficits after COVID-19: a prospective, longitudinal, population-based study
Tim J Hartung, Thomas Bahmer, Irina Chaplinskaya-Sobol, Jürgen Deckert, Matthias Endres, Katrin Franzpötter, Johanna Geritz, Karl G Haeusler, Grit Hein, Peter U Heuschmann, Sina M Hopff, Anna Horn, Thomas Keil, Michael Krawczak, Lilian Krist, Wolfgang Lieb, Corina Maetzler, Felipe A Montellano, Caroline Morbach, Christian Neumann, Carolin Nürnberger, Anne-Kathrin Russ, Lena Schmidbauer, Sein Schmidt, Stefan Schreiber, Flo Steigerwald, Stefan Störk, Thomas Zoller, Walter Maetzler, Carsten Finke, NAPKON Study Group
EClinicalMedicine. 3;69:102456 (2024)
Neuropsychological testing in autoimmune encephalitis: A scoping review
Rachel Galioto, Tiffany Grezmak, Carol Swetlik, Justin R. Abbatemarco, Maarten J. Titulaer, Carsten Finke and Amy Kunchok
Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 11(2):e200204 (2024)
Multisensory input modulates memory-guided spatial navigation in humans
Deetje Iggena, Sein Jeung, Patrizia M. Maier, Christoph J. Ploner, Klaus Gramann & Carsten Finke
Commun Biol 6, 1167 (2023)
Functional connectome fingerprinting and stability in multiple sclerosis
Maron Mantwill, Susanna Asseyer, Claudia Chien, Joseph Kuchling, Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch, Alexander U Brandt, John-Dylan Haynes, Friedemann Paul and Carsten Finke
Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 9(3):20552173231195879 (2023)
Reduced resilience of brain state transitions in anti‐ N ‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor encephalitis
Nina von Schwanenflug, Juan P. Ramirez-Mahaluf, Stephan Krohn, Amy Romanello, Josephine Heine, Harald Prüss, Nicolas A. Crossley, Carsten Finke
Eur J Neurosci. 57:568–579 (2023)
Increased flexibility of brain dynamics in patients with multiple sclerosis
Nina von Schwanenflug, Stefan P Koch, Stephan Krohn, Tommy A A Broeders, David M Lydon-Staley, Dani S Bassett, Menno M Schoonheim, Friedemann Paul and Carsten Finke
Brain Commun. 5(3): fcad143 (2023)
Impaired Brain Growth in Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody–Associated Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
Frederik Bartels, Birgit Baumgartner, Annette Aigner, Graham Cooper,
Astrid Blaschek, Eva Maria Wendel, Annikki Bertolini, Michael Karenfort, Matthias Baumann, Robert Cleaveland, Andreas Wegener-Panzer, MD, Steffen Leiz, Michela Salandin, Peter Krieg, Tobias Reindl, Markus Reindl, Carsten Finke and Kevin RostásyNeuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 10(2):e200066 (2023)
Cognitive impact of neuronal antibodies: encephalitis and beyond
LL Gibson, A McKeever, E Coutinho, C Finke and TA Pollak
Transl Psychiatry. 10, 304 (2020)
Memory-guided navigation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Patrizia M. Maier, Deetje Iggena, Thomas Meyer, Carsten Finke & Christoph J. Ploner
J Neurol. (2023)
Fatigue and cognitive impairment after COVID-19: A prospective multicentre study
Tim J. Hartung, Christian Neumann, Thomas Bahmer, Irina Chaplinskaya-Sobol, Matthias Endres, Johanna Geritz, Karl Georg Haeusler, Peter U. Heuschmann, Hanna Hildesheim, Andreas Hinz, Sina Hopff, Anna Horn, Michael Krawczak, Lilian Krist, Jennifer Kudelka, Wolfgang Lieb, Corina Maetzler, Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf, Felipe A. Montellano,
Caroline Morbach, Sein Schmidt, Stefan Schreiber, Flo Steigerwald, Stefan Störk, Walter Maetzler and Carsten FinkeeClinicalMedicine 53:101651 (2022)
Structural brain changes in patients with post-COVID fatigue: a prospective observational study
Josephine Heine, Katia Schwichtenberg, Tim J Hartung, Sophia Rekers, Claudia Chien, Fabian Boesl, Rebekka Rust, Christian Hohenfeld, Julia Bungenberg, Ana S Costa, Carmen Scheibenbogen, Judith Bellmann-Strobl, Friedemann Paul, Christiana Franke, Kathrin Reetz, Carsten Finke
eClinicalMedicine. 2023;58:101874 (2023)
Sport-Related Concussion: A Cognitive Perspective
Harry Hallock, Maron Mantwill, Peter Vajkoczy, Bernd Wolfarth, Claus Reinsberger, Amit Lampit and Carsten Finke
Neurol Clin Pract. 2023;13(2):e200123 (2023)
Functional connectivity dynamics reflect disability and multi-domain clinical impairment in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Amy Romanello, Stephan Krohn, Nina von Schwanenflug, Claudia Chien, Judith Bellmann-Strobl, Klemens Ruprecht, Friedemann Paula, Carsten Finke
NeuroImage: Clinical 36:103203 (2022)
A spatiotemporal complexity architecture of human brain activity
Stephan Krohn, Ninavon Schwanenflug, Leonhard Waschke, Amy Romanello, Martin Gell, Douglas D. Garrett, Carsten Finke
Sci. Adv.9, eabq3851 (2023)
Post-encoding modulation of spatial memory consolidation by propofol
Deetje Iggena, Patrizia M. Maier, Sophia M. Häußler, Mario Menk, Heidi Olze, Matthew E. Larkum, Carsten Finke, Christoph J. Ploner
Cortex 156, 1-12 (2022)
Musical expertise shapes visual-melodic memory integration
Martina Hoffmann, Alexander Schmidt, Christoph J. Ploner
Front. Psychol. 13:973164 (2022)
Long-term cognitive outcome in anti-nmdA receptor encephalitis
Josephine Heine, Ute A. Kopp, Johanna Klag, Christoph J. Ploner, Harald Prüss, Carsten Finke
Ann Neurol 90:949–961 (2021)
State-dependent signatures of anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis: a dynamic functional connectivity study
Nina von Schwanenflug, Stephan Krohn, Josephine Heine, Friedemann Paul, Harald Prüss, Carsten Finke
Transdiagnostic hippocampal damage patterns in neuroimmunological disorders
Josephine Heine, Harald Prüß, Michael Scheel, Alexander U. Brandt, Stefan M. Gold, Thorsten Bartsch, Friedemann Paul, Carsten Finke
NeuroImage: Clinical. 28:102515 (2020)
Early volumetric changes of hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex following medial temporal lobe resection.
Anna Pajkert, Christoph J Ploner, Thomas-Nicolas Lehmann, Veronica A Witte, Frank Oltmanns, Werner Sommer, Martin Holtkamp, Hauke R Heekeren, Carsten Finke
Eur J Neurosci. 52(10):4375-4384 (2020)
Propofol modulates early memory consolidation in humans
Daa Un Moon, Nazli Esfahani-Bayerl, Carsten Finke, Daniel J Salchow, Mario Menk, Simon Bayerl, Richard Kempter and Christoph J Ploner
eNeuro. 7(3):ENEURO.0537-19.202
Integrating across memory episodes: developmental trends
Yee Lee Shing , Carsten Finke, Martina Hoffmann, Anna Pajkert, Hauke R Heekeren and Christoph J Ploner
PLoS One. 14(4):e0215848 (2019)
Disentangling hippocampal and amygdala contribution to human anxiety-like behaviour
Dominik R Bach, Martina Hoffmann, Carsten Finke, Rene Hurlemann and Christoph J Ploner
J Neurosci. 39 (43): 8517-8526 (2019)