
Apr 22, 2021 | 9:00 | ZOOM



Dr Annapoorani Udhayachandran and Dr Clarissa Whitmire
Postdocs, Project A05 AG Poulet
Max-Delbrück-Centrum für
Molekulare Medizin, Berlin

Iryna Schommartz
PhD student, Project A04, AG Shing
Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

Tania Fernandez del Valle Alquicira
Research assistant, Project A07, AG Owald
MSc student, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dr Deetje Iggena
Postdoc, Project B05, AG Ploner and Finke
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Poster here >>

For more offers go to Girls’Day


Following our Girls’Day event, we had a summer student intern in projects A04 and A05

Overall, I had a really fantastic time – everyone was extremely open and friendly and they answered any questions I had! I also really enjoyed seeing so many different experiments happen at once and all the different aspects there are in Neuroscience! Some people working at SFB were more focussed on experimenting, others on doing the math, and other again on building the machines and devices!

I think this experience was definetly valuable to me – I learned a tremendous amount on what it means to work in Neuroscience, how to get there, how it is to work with animals, and also about the experiments themselves!”

… and a winter intern intern in project A04

It really was a pleasure to be able to visit the lab and all of the wonderful people working there! Thank you again for everything and best wishes for all the future projects you are planning! If time permits, I would love to check out some of the online-lectures or maybe visit again.
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