
The CRC’s collaborative work acknowledges funding by the DFG project number 327654276 SFB 1315 and is largely openly accessible, found in public and institutional repositories.

Learning how network structure shapes decision-making for bio-inspired computing

Michael Schirner, Gustavo Deco, Petra Ritter
Nat Commun. 14, 2963 (2023)
B06, Petra Ritter - -

Subcortical coding of predictable and unsupervised sound-context associations

Chi Chen, Hugo Cruces-Solís, Alexandra Ertman, Livia de Hoz
Curr Res Neurobiol. 5:100110 (2023)
A09, Livia de Hoz - -

Neuropsychological testing in autoimmune encephalitis: A scoping review

Rachel Galioto, Tiffany Grezmak, Carol Swetlik, Justin R. Abbatemarco, Maarten J. Titulaer, Carsten Finke and Amy Kunchok
Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 11(2):e200204 (2024)
B05, Carsten Finke - -

Non-canonical function of ADAM10 in presynaptic plasticity

Julia Bär, Tomas Fanutza, Christopher C. Reimann, Lisa Seipold, Maja Grohe, Janike Rabea Bolter, Flemming Delfs, Michael Bucher, Christine E Gee, Michaela Schweizer, Paul Saftig, Marina Mikhaylova
Cell Mol Life Sci. 81:342 (2024)
A10, Marina Mikhaylova - -

Social play behavior is driven by glycine-dependent mechanisms

Anton Dvorzhak, Michael Brecht, Dietmar Schmitz
Curr Biol. 34(16):3654-3664.e6 (2024)
A02, A03, Anton Dvorzhak, Dietmar Schmitz, Michael Brecht - -

Primidone improves symptoms in TRPM3-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy with spike-and-wave activation in sleep

Lena-Luise Becker, Denise Horn, Felix Boschann, Evelien Van Hoeymissen, Thomas Voets, Joris Vriens, Christine Prager, Angela M. Kaindl
Epilepsia. 2023;64:e61–e68. (2023)
B04, Angela Kaindl - -

Dear interested high school students,

please write us if you would like to visit one of our labs or if you have questions for our scientists.

Dear SFB1315 members,

please send us news of your outreach activities to share with the public!

Participating Institutions