Liste aller Publikationen 2018-2022 (alphabetisch)

Aerts H, Schirner M, Dhollander T, Jeurissen B, Achten E, Van Roost D, Ritter P, Marinazzo D
Modeling brain dynamics after tumor resection using The Virtual Brain
. 213: 116738 (2020) Link

Antonenko A, Grittner U, Saturnino G, Nierhaus T, Thielscher A, Flöel A.
Inter-individual and age-dependent variability in simulated electric fields induced by conventional transcranial electrical stimulation
NeuroImage. 224: 117413 (2021) Link

Aru J, Suzuki M, Larkum ME
Cellular mechanisms of conscious processing

Trends Cogn Sci. 24: 814-825 (2020)  Link

Bach DR, Hoffmann M, Finke C, Hurlemann R, Ploner CJ
Disentangling hippocampal and amygdala contribution to human anxiety-like behaviour
J Neurosci.
39 (43): 8517-8526 (2019) Link

Banerjee A, Vallentin D
Convergent behavioral strategies and neural computations during vocal turn-taking across diverse species
Curr Opin Neurobiol.  73:102529 (2022) Link

Battaglia D, Boudou T, Hansen ECA, Lombardo D, Chettouf S, Daffertshofer A, McIntosh AR, Zimmermann J, Ritter P, Jirsa V
Dynamic functional connectivity between order and randomness and its evolution across the human adult lifespan
NeuroImage. 222:117156 (2020) Link

Becker LL, Dafsari HS, Schallner J, Abdin D, Seifert M, Petit F, Smol T, Bok L, Rodan L, Krapels I, Spranger S, Weschke B, Johnson K, Straub V, Kaindl AM, Donato N, von der Hagen M, Cirak S
The clinical-phenotype continuum in DYNC1H1-related disorders—genomic profiling and proposal for a novel classification
J Hum Genet. 65(11):1003-1017 (2020) Link

Beed P, Filippo R, Holman C, Johenning FW, Leibold C, Caputi A, Monyer H, Schmitz D
Layer 3 pyramidal cells in the medial entorhinal cortex orchestrate up-down states and entrain the deep layers differentially
Cell Reports. 33(10):108470 (2020) Link

Benichov JI, Vallentin D
Inhibition within a premotor circuit controls the timing of vocal turn-taking in zebra finches
Nat Commun. 11(1):221 (2020) Link

Berlage C, Tantirigama M, Babot M, Di Battista D, Whitmire C, Papadopoulos IN, Poulet JFA, Larkum M, Judkewitz B
Deep tissue scattering compensation with three-photon F-SHARP
Optica. 8:1613-1619 (2021) Link

Beyer F, Prehn K, Wüsten KA, Villringer A, Ordemann J, Flöel A, Witte AV
Weight loss reduces head motion: re-visiting a major confound in neuroimaging
Hum Brain Mapping. 41(9):2490-2494 (2020) Link

Bhukel A, Beuschel CB, Maglione M, Lehmann M, Juhász G, Madeo F, Sigrist SJ
Autophagy within the mushroom body protects from synapse aging in a non-cell autonomous manner
Nat Commun. 10(1):1318 (2019) Link

Broser M
Far-red absorbing rhodopsins, insights from heterodimeric rhodopsin-cyclases
Front Mol Biosci. 8:806922 (2022) Link

Caglayan A, Stumpenhorst K, Winter Y
Learning set formation and reversal learning in mice during high-throughput home-cage-based olfactory discrimination
Front Behav Neurosci. 15:684936 (2021) Link

Caglayan A, Stumpenhorst K, Winter Y
The stop signal task for measuring behavioral inhibition in mice with increased sensitivity and high-throughput operation.
Front Behav Neurosci. 15:777767 (2021) Link

Cakan C, Dimulescu C, Khakimova L, Obst D, Flöel A, Obermayer K
Spatiotemporal patterns of adaptation-induced slow oscillations in a whole-brain model of slow-wave sleep
Front Comput Neurosci. 15:800101 (2022) Link

Cakan C, Jajcay N, Obermayer K
neurolib: a simulation framework for whole-brain neural mass modeling
Cogn Comput. 1158(31) (2021) Link

Cakan C, Obermayer K
Biophysically grounded mean-field models of neural populations under electrical stimulation
PLoS Comput Biol. 16(4):e1007822 (2020) Link

Chettouf S, Rueda-Delgado LM, de Vries R, Ritter P, Daffertshofer A
Are unimanual movements bilateral?
Neurosci & Biobehav Rev. 113:39-50 (2020) Link

Chettouf S, Triebkorn P, Daffertshofer A, Ritter P
Unimanual sensorimotor learning—A simultaneous EEG-fMRI aging study
Hum Brain Mapp. (2022) Link

Chouzouris T, Roth N, Cakan C, Obermayer K
Applications of optimal nonlinear control to a whole-brain network of FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators
Phys Rev E. 104(2-1):024213 (2021) Link

Clemens AM, Wang H, Brecht M
The lateral septum mediates kinship behavior in the rat
Nat Commun. 11(1):3161 (2020) Link

Clemens AM, Brecht M
Neural representations of kinship
Curr Opin Neurobiol 68:116-123 (2021) Link

Colomb J, Winter Y
Creating detailed metadata for an R-shiny analysis of circadian behavior sequence data
Front Neurosci (2021) Link

D’Albis TKempter R
Recurrent amplification of grid-cell activity
Hippocampus. 30(12):1268-1297 (2020) Link

de Filippo R, Rost B, Stumpf A, Cooper C, Tukker J, Harms C, Beed P, Schmitz D
Somatostatin interneurons activated by 5-HT2A receptor suppress slow oscillations in medial entorhinal cortex
eLife. 10:e66960 (2021) Link

Dominiak SE, Nashaat MA, Sehara K, Oraby H, Larkum ME, Sachdev RNS
Whisking asymmetry signals motor preparation and the behavioral state of mice
J Neurosci. 39(49):9818-9830 (2019) Link

Doron G†, Shin JN†, Takahashi T, Drüke M, Bocklisch C, Skenderi S, de Mont L, Toumazou M, Ledderose J, Brecht M, Naud R, Larkum ME (equal contribution)
Perirhinal input to neocortical layer 1 controls learning
Science. 370(6523):eaaz3136 (2020) Link

Düzel E, Acosta-Cabronero J, Berron D, Biessels GJ, Björkman-Burtscher I, Bottlaender M et al.
European Ultrahigh-field Imaging Network for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EUFIND): Working Group Summaries for European Joint Programming for Neurodegenerative Research (JPND)
Alzheimer’s & Dementia. 11:538-549 (2019) Link

Evangelista R, Cano G, Cooper C, Schmitz D, Maier N, Kempter R
Generation of sharp wave-ripple events by disinhibition
J Neurosci. 40(41):7811-7836 (2020) Link

Gibson LL, McKeever A, Coutinho E, Finke C, Pollack TA
Cognitive impact of neuronal antibodies: encephalitis and beyond
Transl Psychiatry. 10, 304 (2020) Link

Heine JK, Kopp UA, Klag J, Ploner CJ, Prüß H, Finke C
Long-term cognitive outcome in anti-nmdA receptor encephalitis
Ann Neurol. 90:949–961 (2021) (2021) Link

Heine J, Prüß H, Scheel M, Brandt AU, Gold SM, Bartsch T, Paul F, Finke C
Transdiagnostic hippocampal damage patterns in neuroimmunological disorders
NeuroImage: Clinical. 28:102515 (2020)  Link

Hoffmann M, Schmidt A, Ploner CJ
Musical expertise shapes visual-melodic memory integration
Front. Psychol. 13:973164 (2022) Link

Holzbecher A, Kempter R
Interneuronal gap junctions increase synchrony and robustness of hippocampal ripple oscillations
Eur J Neurosci. 48(12):3446-3465 (2018) Link

Hosseini M, Colomb J, Holcombe AO, Kern B, Vasilevsky NA, Holmes KL
Evolution and adoption of contributor role ontologies and taxonomies
Learn Publ. (2022) Link

Huang S, Piao C, Beuschel CB, Götz T, Sigrist SJ
Presynaptic activity zone plasticity encodes sleep need in Drosophila
Curr Biol. 30(6):1077-1091.e5 (2020) Link

Huang S, Sigrist SJ
Presynaptic and postsynaptic long-term plasticity in sleep homeostasis.
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 69:1-10 (2021)  Link

Huang S, Piao C, Beuschel CB, Sigrist SJ
A brain-wide form of presynaptic active zone plasticity orchestrates resilience to brain aging in Drosophila
bioRxiv (2022) Link

Iggena D, Maier PM, Häussler SM, Menk M, Olze H, Larkum ME, Finke C, Ploner CJ
Post-encoding modulation of spatial memory consolidation by propofol
Cortex. (2022) Link

Jajcay N, Cakan C, Obermayer K
Cross-frequency slow oscillation–spindle coupling in a biophysically realistic thalamocortical neural mass model
Front. Comput. Neurosci. 16:769860 (2022) Link

Jouhanneau JS, Poulet JFA
Multiple two-photon targeted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from monosynaptically connected neurons in vivo
Front Synaptic Neurosci. 11:15 (2019) Link 

Keresztes A, Raffington L, Bender AR, Bögl K, Heim C and Shing YL
Longitudinal developmental trajectories do not follow cross-sectional age associations in hippocampal subfield and memory development
Dev Cogn Neurosci. Apr;54:101085 (2022) Link

Klein PC, Ettinger U, Schirner M, Ritter P, Rujescu D, Falkai P, Koutsouleris N, Kambeitz-Ilankovic L, Kambeitz J
Brain network simulations indicate effects of neuregulin-1 genotype on excitation-inhibition balance in cortical dynamics
Cereb Cortex. 31(4):2013-2025 (2020) Link

Klingner CM, Ritter P, Brodoehl S, Gaser C, Scherag A, Guelmar D, Rosenow F, Ziemann U, Witte OW
Research data management in clinical neuroscience: the national research data infrastructure initiative
Neuroforum. 27(1):35-43 (2021) Link

Klingner CM, Denker M, Grün S, Hanke M, Oeltze-Jafra S, Ohl FW, Radny J, Rotter S, Scherberger H, Stein A, Wachtler T, Witte OW, Ritter P
Overcoming the Reproducibility Crisis – Results of the first Community Survey of the German National Research Data Infrastructure for Neuroscience
bioRxiv. (2022) Link

Kuehne F, Jungbluth A, Schneider J, Bührer C, Prager C, Kaindl AM
Epilepsy in children with perinatal arterial ischemic stroke
medRxiv. (2021) Link

Kunz L, Brandt A, Reinacher PC, Staresina BP, Reifenstein ET, Weidemann CT, Nora A. Herweg NA, Patel A, Tsitsiklis M, Kempter R, Kahana MJ, Schulze-Bonhage A, Jacobs J
A neural code for egocentric spatial maps in the human medial temporal lobe
Neuron. 109(17) 2781-2796.e10 (2021) Link

Ladenbauer J, Ladenbauer J, Külzow N, Flöel A
Memory-relevant nap sleep physiology in healthy and pathological aging
Sleep. 44(7):zsab002 (2021) Link

Ladenbauer J, Khakimova L, Malinowski R, Obst D, Tonnies E, Antonenko D, Obermayer K, Hanna J, Flöel A
Towards optimization of oscillatory stimulation during sleep
bioRxiv. (2021) Link 

Larkum ME
Are Dendrites Conceptually Useful?
Neuroscience 489:4-14 (2022)  Link

Larkum ME, Wu J, Duverdin SA and Gidon A
The Guide to Dendritic Spikes of the Mammalian Cortex In Vitro and In Vivo
Neuroscience 489:15–3 (2022) Link

Liang YT* (*PhD AG Sigrist)
Emerging concepts and functions of autophagy as a regulator of synaptic components and plasticity
Cells. 8(1):34 (2019) Link

Liang YT, Piao C, Beuschel CB, Toppe D, Kollipara L, Bogdanow B, Maglione M, Lützkendorf J, Kit See JC, Huang S, Conrad TOF, Kintscher U, Madeo F, Liu F,  Sickmann A, Sigrist SJ
eIF5A-hypusination, boosted by dietary spermidine, protects from premature brain aging and mitochondrial dysfunction
Cell Rep. 35(2):108941 (2021) Link

Liu KY, Kievit RA, Tsvetanov KA, Betts MJ, Düzel E, Rowe JB, CAN-Cam, Howard R, Hämmerer D* (*Prof AG Düzel)
Noradrenergic-dependent functions are associated with age-related locus coeruleus signal intensity differences
Nat Commun. 11(1):1712 (2020) Link

Lucchese G, Flöel A, Stahl B
Cross-reactivity as a mechanism linking infections in stroke
Front Neurol. 10:469 (2019) Link

Mahn M, Sinik IS, Patil P, Pulin M, Bitton E, Karalis N, Bruentgens F, Palgi S, Gat A, Dine J, Wietek J, Davidi I, Levy R, Litvin A, Zhou F, Sauter K, Soba P, Schmitz D, Lüthi A, Rost BR, Wiegert JS, Yizhar O
Efficient optogenetic silencing of neurotransmitter release with a mosquito rhodopsin
Neuron. 109(10):1621-1635.e8 (2021) Link

Mak CCY, Doherty D, Lin AE, Vegas N, Cho MT, Viot G, Dimartino C, Weisfeld-Adams J, Lessel D, Joss S, Li C, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Zarate YA, Ehmke N, Horn D, Troyer C, Kant SG, Lee Y, Ishak GE, Leung G, Pritchard AB, Yang S, Bend EG, Filippini F, Roadhouse C, Lebrun O, Mehaffey MG, Martin P-M, Apple B, Millan F, Puk O, Hoffer MJV, Henderson JB, McGowan R, Wentzensen IM, Pei S, Zahir FR, Yu M, Gibson WT, Seman A, Steeves M, Murrell JR, Luettgen S, Francisco E, Strom TM, Amlie-Wolf L, Kaindl AM et al.
MN1 C-terminal truncation syndrome is a novel neurodevelopmental and craniofacial disorder with partial rhombencephalosynapsis
Brain. 143(1):55-68 (2020) Link

McKay C, Wijeakumar S, Rafetseder E, Shing YL
Disentangling age and schooling effects on inhibitory control development: An fNIRS investigation
Dev Sci. e13205 (2021) Link

Meier JM, Perdikis D, Blickensdörfer A, Stefanovski L, Liu Q, Maith O, Dinkelbach HÜ, Baladron J, Hamker FH, Ritter P
Virtual deep brain stimulation: Multiscale co-simulation of a spiking basal ganglia model and a whole-brain mean field model with The Virtual Brain
Exp Neurol. 354:114111 (2022) Link

Michalikova M, Remme MWH, Kempter R
Extracellular waveforms reveal an axonal origin of spikelets in pyramidal neurons
J Neurophysiol. 120(4):1484-1495 (2018) Link

Michalikova M, Remme MWH, Schmitz D, Schreiber S, Kempter R
Spikelets in pyramidal neurons: generating mechanisms, distinguishing properties, and functional implications
Rev Neurosci. 31(1):101-119 (2019) Link

Moberg S and Takahashi N
Neocortical layer 5 subclasses: From cellular properties to roles in behavior
Front. Synaptic Neurosci. 14:1006773 (2022) Link

Moon DU, Esfahani-Bayerl N, Finke C, Salchow DJ, Menk M, Bayerl M, Kempter RPloner CJ
Propofol modulates early memory consolidation in humans
eNeuro. 7(3):ENEURO.0537-19.2020  Link

Nitzan N, McKenzie S, Beed P, English DF, Oldani S, Tukker JJ, Buzsáki G, Schmitz D
Propagation of hippocampal ripples to the neocortex by way of a subiculum-retrosplenial pathway
Nat Commun. 11(1):1947 (2020) Link

Nitzan N, Swanson R, Schmitz D & Buzsáki G
Brain-wide interactions during hippocampal sharp wave ripples
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 119 (20) e2200931119 (2022) Link

Nolden S, Brod G, Meyer AK, Fandakova Y, Shing YL
Neural correlates of successful memory encoding in kindergarten and early elementary school children: Longitudinal trends and effects of schooling
Cereb Cortex. 31(8):3764-3779 (2021) Link

Norton P, Benichov JI, Pexirra m, Schreiber S*, Vallentin D*
A feedforward inhibitory premotor circuit for auditory–vocal interactions in zebra finches
PNAS. 119(23):e211844811 (2022) Link

Oldani S, Moreno-Velasquez L, Stumpf A, Rosenmund C, Schmitz D, Rost BR
SynaptoPAC, an Optogenetic tool for induction of presynaptic plasticity
J Neurochem. 156(3):324-336 (2020) Link

Orlando M, Dvorzhak A, Bruentgens F, Maglione M, Rost BR, Sigrist SJ, Breustedt J, Schmitz D
Recruitment of release sites underlies chemical presynaptic potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber boutons
PLoS Biol. 19(6):e3001149 (2021) Link

Overfeld J, Entringer S, Rasmussen JM, Heim CM, Styner MA, Gilmore JH, Wadhwa PD, Buss C
Neonatal hippocampal volume moderates the effects of early postnatal enrichment on cognitive development
Dev Cogn Neurosci. 45:100820 (2020) Link

Pajkert A, Ploner CJ, Lehmann T-N, Witte VA, Oltmanns F, Sommer W, Holtkamp M, Heekeren HR, Finke C
Early volumetric changes of hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex following medial temporal lobe resection
Eur J Neurosci. 52(10):4375-4384 (2020) Link

Palesi F, Lorenzi RM, Casellato C, Ritter P, Jirsa V, Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott CAM, D’Angelo E
The importance of cerebellar connectivity on simulated brain dynamics
Front Cell Neurosci. 14:240 (2020) Link

Pallasdies F, Norton P, Schleimer J-H, Schreiber S
Neural optimization: Understanding trade-offs with pareto theory
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 71:84-91 (2021) Link

Papadopoulos IN, Jouhanneau J-S, Takahashi N, Kaplan D, Larkum M, Poulet J, Judkewitz B
Dynamic conjugate F-SHARP microscopy
Light Sci Appl. 9:110 (2020) Link

Paricio-Montesinos R, Schwaller F, Udhayachandran A, Rau F, Walcher J, Evangelista R, Vriens J, Voets T, Poulet JFA, Lewin GR
The sensory coding of warm perception
Neuron. 106(5):830-841.e3 (2020)  Link

Poldrack RA, Feingold F, Frank MJ, Gleeson P, de Hollander G, Huys QJM, Love BC, Markiewicz CJ, Moran R, Ritter P, Rogers TT, Turner BM, Yarkoni T, Zhan M, Cohen JD
The importance of standards for sharing of computational models and data
Comput Brain & Behav. 2(3-4):229-232 (2019) Link

Pooryasin A, Maglione M, Schubert M, Matkovic-Rachid T, Hasheminasab SM, Pech U, Fiala A, Mielke T, Sigrist SJ
Unc13B contribute to the decoding of distinct sensory information in Drosophila
Nat Commun.
12(1):1932 (2021) Link

Carlotta Pribbenow, Yi-chun Chen, Michael-Marcel Heim, Desiree Laber, Silas Reubold, Eric Reynolds, Isabella Balles, Tania Fernández-d.V. Alquicira, Raquel Suárez-Grimalt, Lisa Scheunemann, Carolin Rauch, Tanja Matkovic, Jörg Rösner, Gregor Lichtner, Sridhar R Jagannathan, David Owald
Postsynaptic plasticity of cholinergic synapses underlies the induction and expression of appetitive and familiarity memories in Drosophila
elife. 11:e80445 (2022) Link

Quade B, Camacho M, Zhao X, Orlando M, Trimbuch T, Xu J, Li W, Nicastro D, Rosenmund C, Rizo J
Membrane bridging by Munc13-1 is crucial for neurotransmitter release
eLife. 8:e42806 (2019) Link

Raccuglia D, Huang S, Ender A, Heim MM, Laber D, Suárez-Grimalt R, Liotta A, Sigrist SJ, Geiger JRP, Owald D
Network-specific synchronization of electrical slow-wave oscillations regulates sleep drive in Drosophila
Curr Biol. 29(21):3611-3621.e3 (2019) Link

Raffington L, Falck J, Heim C, Mather M, Shing YL
Effects of stress on 6- and 7-year-old children’s emotional memory differs by gender
J Exp Child Psychol. 199:104924 (2020) Link

Raile V, Herz NA, Promnitz G, Schneider J, Tietze A, Kaindl AM
Clinical outcome of children with corpus callosum agenesis

Pediatric Neurology. Link

Rao RP, von Heimendahl M, Bahr V, Brecht M
Neuronal responses to conspecifics in the ventral CA1
Cell Rep. 27(12):3460-3472.e3 (2019) Link

Reifenstein E, Khalid IB, Kempter R
Synaptic learning rules for sequence learning
eLife. 10:e67171 (2021) Link

Remme M, Bermann U, Alevi D, Schreiber S, Sprekeler H, Kempter R
Hebbian plasticity in parallel synaptic pathways: A circuit mechanism for systems memory consolidation
PLOS Comput Biol. 17(12):e1009681 (2021) Link

Rodríguez de los Santos M, Rivalan M, David FS, Stumpf A, Pitsch J, Tsortouktzidis D, Moreno Velasquez L, Voigt A, Schilling K, Mattei D, Long M, Vogt G, Knaus A, Fischer-Zirnsak B, Wittler L, Timmermann B,  Robinson PN, Horn D, Mundlos S, Kornak U, Becker AJ, Schmitz D, Winter Y and Krawitz PM
A CRISPR-Cas9–engineered mouse model for GPI-anchor deficiency mirrors human phenotypes and exhibits hippocampal synaptic dysfunctions
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 118(2):e2014481118 (2021) Link

Rost BR, Wietek J, Yizhar O, Schmitz D
Optogenetics at the presynapse
Nat Neurosci. 25, 984–998 (2022) Link

Scheibe F, Neumann WJ, Lange C, Scheel M, Furth C, Köhnlein M, Mergenthaler P, Schultze‐Amberger J, Triebkorn PRitter P, Kühn AA, Meisel A
Movement disorders after hypoxic brain injury following cardiac arrest in adults
Eur J Neurol. 27(10):1937-194 (2020) Link

Schirner M, Domide L, Perdikis D, Triebkorn P, Stefanovski L, Pai R, Prodan P, Valean B, Palmer J, Langford C, Flöel A, Ritter P, et al.
Brain simulation as a cloud service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS
NeuroImage. 251:118973 (2022). Link

Schirner M, Kong X, Yeo BTT, Deco G, Ritter P
Dynamic primitives of brain network interaction
NeuroImage. 250:118928 (2022) Link

Schneider J, Mohr N, Aliatakis N, Seidel U, John R, Promnitz G, Spors B, Kaindl AM
Brain malformations and cognitive performance in spina bifida
Devel Med Child Neurol. 63(3):295-302 (2021) Link

Schommartz I, Lembcke PF, Schuetz H, de Chamorro NW, Bauer M, Kaindl AM, Buss C, Shing YL
From learning to remembering: How memory consolidation differs in term and preterm born children from young adults
bioRxiv. (2021) Link

Schroeder P, Rivalan M, Zaqout S, Krüger C, Schüler J, Long M, Meisel A, Winter YKaindl AM, Lehnardt S
Abnormal brain structure and behavior in MyD88-deficient mice
Brain Behav Immun. 91:181-193 (2021) Link

Schwaller F, Bégay V, García-García G, Taberner FJ, Moshourab R, McDonald B, Docter T, Kühnemund J, Ojeda-Alonso J, Paricio-Montesinos R, Lechner SG, Poulet JFA, Millan JM, Lewin GR.
USH2A is a Meissner’s corpuscle protein necessary for normal vibration sensing in mice and humans
Nat Neurosci. 24(1):74-81 (2021) Link

Sehara K, Bahr V, Mitchinson B, Pearson MJ, Larkum ME, Sachdev RNS
Fast, flexible closed-loop feedback: Tracking movement in “real-millisecond time”
eNeuro. 6(6):ENEURO.0147-19.2019 Link

Shen K, Bezgin G, Schirner M, Ritter P, Everling S, McIntosh AR
A macaque connectome for large-scale network simulations in The Virtual Brain
Sci Data. 6(1):123 (2019) Link

Shin JN, Doron G, Larkum ME
Memories off the top of your head
Science. 374(6567): 538-539 (2021) Link

Shing YLFinke C, Hoffmann M, Pajkert A, Heekeren HR, Ploner CJ
Integrating across memory episodes: developmental trends
PLoS One. 14(4):e0215848 (2019) Link

Sibille J, Gehr C, Benichov JI, Balasubramanian H, Teh KL, Lupashina T, Vallentin  D & Kremkow J
High-density electrode recordings reveal strong and specific connections between retinal ganglion cells and midbrain neurons
Nat Commun. 13, 5218 (2022) Link

Sigl-Glöckner J, Maier E, Takahashi N, Sachdev R, Larkum MBrecht M
Effects of sexual experience and puberty on mouse genital cortex revealed by chronic imaging
Curr Biol. 29(21):3588-3599.e4 (2019) Link

Stefanovski L, Meier JM, Pai R, Triebkorn P, Lett T, Martin L, Bülau K, Hofmann-Apitius M, Solodkin A, McIntosh A, Ritter P
Bridging scales in Alzheimer’s disease: Biological framework for brain simulation with The Virtual Brain
Front. Neuroinform. 15:630172 (2021) Link

Stefanovski L, Triebkorn P, Spiegler A, Diaz-Cortes, M-A, Solodkin A, Jirsa V, McIntosh AR, Ritter P
Linking molecular pathways and large-scale modeling to assess candidate disease mechanisms and pharmacodynamics in Alzheimer’s disease
Front Comput Neurosci. 13:54 (2019) Link

Suzuki M, Larkum ME
General anesthesia decouples cortical pyramidal neurons
Cell. 180(4):666-676.e13 (2020) Link

Suzuki M, Aru J, Larkum ME
Double-μ Periscope: a tool for multi-layer optical recordings, optogenetic stimulations or both
eLife.  10:e72894 (2021) Link

Takahashi N, Moberg S, Zolnik TA, Catanese J, Sachdev RNS, Larkum ME, Jaeger D
Thalamic input to motor cortex facilitates goal-directed action initiation
Curr Biol. 31(18):4148-4155.e4 (2021) Link

Takahashi N, Ebner C, Sigl-Glöckner J, Moberg S, Nierwetberg S, Larkum ME
Active dendritic currents gate descending cortical outputs in perception

Nat Neurosci. 23(10):1277-1285 (2020) Link

Tantirigama MLS, Zolnik T, Judkewitz, Larkum ME, Sachdev RNS
Perspective on the multiple pathways to changing brain states
Front Syst Neurosci. 14:23 (2020) Link

Thams F, Kuzmina A, Backhaus M, Shu-Chen Li, Grittner U, Antonenko D, Flöel A
Cognitive training and brain stimulation in prodromal Alzheimer’s disease (AD-Stim)—study protocol for a doubleblind randomized controlled phase IIb (monocenter) trial

Alzheimer’s Res Ther. 12(1):142 (2020) Link

Thurm F, Li S-C, Hämmerer D
Maturation- and aging-related differences in electrophysiological correlates of error detection and error awareness
Neuropsychologia. 143:107476 (2020) Link

Triebkorn P, Zimmermann J, Stefanovski L, Roy D, Solodkin A, Jirsa V, Deco G, Breakspear M, McIntosh AR, Ritter P
Identifying optimal working points of individual Virtual Brains: A large-scale brain network modelling study
bioRxiv. Link

Triebkorn P, Stefanovski L, Dhindsa K, Diaz-Cortes MA, Bey P, Bülau K, Pai R, Spiegler A, Solodkin A, Jirsa V, McIntosh AR, Ritter P
Brain simulation augments machine-learning–based classification of dementia
Alzheimer’s Dement. 2022;8:e12303 (2022) Link

Tukker JJ, Beed P, Schmitz D, Larkum ME, Sachdev RNS
Up and down states across somatosensory, entorhinal, and hippocampal cortices
Front Syst Neurosci. 14:22 (2020) Link

Tukker JJ, Beed P, Brecht M, Kempter K, Moser EI and Schmitz D
Microcircuits for spatial coding in the medial entorhinal cortex
Physiol Rev. 102:653–688 (2022) Link

Turrel O, Ramesh N, Escher MJF, Sigrist SJ
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