Brain-wide interactions during hippocampal sharp wave ripples
Noam Nitzan, Rachel Swanson, Dietmar Schmitz and György Buzsáki
During periods of disengagement from the environment, transient population bursts, known as sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs), occur sporadically. While numerous experiments have characterized the bidirectional relationship between SPW-Rs and activity in chosen brain areas, the topographic relationship between different segments of the hippocampus and brain-wide target areas has not been studied at high temporal and spatial resolution. Yet, such knowledge is necessary to infer the direction of communication. We analyzed two publicly available datasets with simultaneous high-density silicon probe recordings from across the mouse forebrain. We found that SPW-Rs coincide with a transient brain-wide increase in functional connectivity. In addition, we show that the diversity in SPW-R features, such as their incidence, magnitude, and intrahippocampal topography in the septotemporal axis, are correlated with slower excitability fluctuations in cortical and subcortical areas. Further, variations in SPW-R features correlated with the timing, sign, and magnitude of downstream responses with large-amplitude SPW-Rs followed by transient silence in extrahippocampal structures. Our findings expand on previous results and demonstrate that the activity patterns in extrahippocampal structures depend both on the intrahippocampal topographic origin and magnitude of hippocampal SPW-Rs.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 119 (20) e2200931119 (2022)