Cells & Circuits Projects
Large-scale Network Projects
Service Projects
Cells & Circuits Projects
Large-scale Network Projects
Service Projects


[5] A01, A02, A03, A04, A05

Fly | Bird

[3] A06, A07, A08


[4] B03, B04, B05, B06


[2+3] A01, A06, B01, B03, B06
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Sonderforschungsbereich 1315

Wie wandelt das Gehirn neuronale Repräsentationen in einen neuen Rahmen früherer Erfahrungen um?

Und wie werden diese sich entwickelnden Hirnzustände – die wir als Gedächtniskonsolidierung bezeichnen – im Laufe der Zeit aufrechterhalten?

Video produced by LT.org


Neueste Veröffentlichungen…

Unveiling the cell biology of hippocampal neurons with dendritic axon origin

Yuhao Han, Daniela Hacker, Bronte Catharina Donders, Christopher Parperis, Roland Thuenauer, Christophe Leterrier, Kay Grünewald, Marina Mikhaylova
A03, Marina Mikhaylova

The Lack of Synapsin Alters Presynaptic Plasticity at Hippocampal Mossy Fibers in Male Mice

Felicitas Bruentgens, Laura Moreno Velasquez, Alexander Stumpf, Daniel Parthier, Jörg Breustedt, Fabio Benfenati, Dragomir Milovanovic, Dietmar Schmitz and Marta Orlando
A01, A02, Dietmar Schmitz, Marta Orlando

Variable and slow-paced neural dynamics in HVC underlie plastic song production in juvenile zebra finches

Linda Bistere, Stefan Wilczek & Daniela Vallentin
A06, Daniela Vallentin, Linda Bistere

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2020 Retreat

2020 Retreat

Dec 7, 2020 | 13:00-16:00 | ZOOM TBA
Virtual speed-dating event moderated by Speaker Matthew Larkum, in which existing and new PIs share their sketches for consideration in the second round of the CRC

Peter Hegemann part of project team awarded 2020 ERC Synergy Grant

Nov 5, 2020 | ERC Press release
Text in German Source: European Research Council, Link to Press Release on youtube A new generation of optogenetic tools for

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