#girl’sday digital 2023
Apr 27, 2023 | 09:00-14:30 | ZOOM Meeting-ID: 775 491 0236
Please join us for our #Girls’Day 2023 virtual event!
Aim: in each session a scientist speaks about their CV and project work in their respective project in Berlin or Bochum – and short film is shown where available. We hope you are inspired and that we meet you again soon in a short internship in one of our project labs!
09:00–09:30, SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum.
Introduction to the Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance and to the SFB1315
Short film: Let’s Visit the lab of A04/A10 project leader Matthew Larkum
SFB1315 Speaker and NeuroCure member, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Youtube (in English, German subtitles). Courtesy NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence
09:30–10:00, #Girls’Day alumna 2022
Meet Toya Kubina, Abi 2025
talks about her interest in neuroscience and her mentoring experience since 04.2022 with postdoc Annapoorani in Project A05, AG Poulet (in English), MDC Berlin-Buch (youtube)
Short Break
10:15–10:45, Mechanisms involved in memory and decision-making processes
Tania Fernandez del Valle Alquicira
discusses PhD studies and work in Project A07, AG Owald
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
10:45–11:00, Short film: Let’s Visit the lab of NeuroCure member and A07 PI David Owald
Youtube (in German, English subtitles). Courtesy NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence
Q&A with Tania Fernandez del Valle Alquicira
Short Break
11:15–11:45, Episodic and bodily memory, mental time travels and self-consciousness
Francesca Righetti, MA
discusses PhD studies and work in Project P06 FOR2812
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
ca. 12:00–13:00 Lunch Break
13:00–13:30, How Artificial Agents Learn to Navigate
Sandhiya Vijayabaskaran, MSc
discusses PhD studies and work in Project A14 SFB1280
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
13:30–14:15, Introduction to Optogenetics
Linda-Jhelisa Tillert, introduces optogenetics in Project C01
Neuroscience Research Center (NWFZ) an der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Dr. Anja Konietzny, introduces optobiology in Project A10
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)
14:15–, Short film: Let’s Visit the lab of NeuroCure member and former C01 project leader Peter Hegemenn, HU Berlin
Youtube (in German, English subtitles). Courtesy Neurocure Cluster of Excellence & UniSyScat
Concluding words
The Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance is a group of DFG-funded research projects focused on neuroscience and memory research. A mentee, and five scientists – at all career stages – speak about their path to research on synapses and neural circuits, philosophy of language and cognition, modeling of episodic memory, and clinical studies of cognitive processes.
Talks in English, and a certificate of attendance available after the event.
Fyi – Our 2022 – 2021 Girls’Day events
“Visit the lab” short films, courtesy of NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence (Linda-Faye Tidwell)
Share the poster (here)
Visit 2023 Girls’Day
Visit 2023 Boys’Day
For questions, please contact: Mary Louise Grossman
SFB1315 Managing Coordinator
Project Z SFB1315
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin