Brain-wide dynamics underlying different cognitive functions
June 4, 2024 | 4:00 pm CET | CCO Auditorium Virchowweg. 6, Berlin | ZOOM ID: 7754910236Our lab studies brain-wide dynamics underlying cognition. We train mice on many different behavioral tasks, each focusing on adifferent cognitive function such as sensory integration, perception, working memory, social interactions and more. As mice perform each task, we use brain-wide imaging techniques to record neuronal population activity from as many brain areas as possible. Two mesoscale techniques used in the lab are wide-field imaging of the whole dorsal cortex and multifiber photometry to record from dozens of cortical and subcortical areas also during freely moving behavior. I will show unpublished results from mice trained on different cognitive tasks and highlight critical areas involved in each cognitive function with emphasis on individual mouse variability. I will further show preliminary results from social and freely moving behaviors and highlight the potential of these experiments in studying autism and other neurological diseases. Our long-term goal is to obtain a brain-wide cognitive map that will aid in understanding cognition as a whole in both the healthy and the disordered brain.
About the Speaker: Ariel Gilad is Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Medical Neurobiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is a Kavli Fellow, recipient of an ERC starting grant and awardee of numerous research grants in North America and in Europe (NSF-BSF-NIH, Einstein Foundation) to name only a few.
This invited talk is hosted by SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum (A04), who will introduce the speaker.
Certificate of attendance: Please contact team assistant serenella.brinati.1@hu-berlin.de