Navigation and memory
June 15, 2019 Ι 17:00 to 24:00 Ι event in English and German
Project B05
Feel like being lost? Challenge your navigation abilities in our virtual environments!
When going from A to B, we often use navigation systems like google maps. However, our brain can perform complex navigation without these tools. Participate in our hands-on experiments to find out about your own navigation strategies when moving along unfamiliar routes and find out how your memory affect this process.
Exciting hands-on experiments, planned hourly from 17:00 (duration: 30 – 45 minutes)
Who can participate in the workshop?
We are looking for women, men and people of different sexes of all ages with a good knowledge of German.
What are your tasks during the workshop?
In one of our games, you navigate through a 3D world with a joystick in search for a treasure chest. In two other games, you test your perspective-taking and spatial orientation abilities.
Where does the workshop take place?
Sauerbruchweg 5, Charité Campus Mitte at the Long Night of the Sciences 2019.
Do you have any advantages from taking part in the study?
You will learn more about your own navigation strategies and spatial memory abilities.
Hosts: Patrizia Maier and Sophia Rekers
Images Courtesy Patrizia Maier