Meet-the-Speaker | Decoding memory in health and Alzheimer’s disease
July 7, 2020 | 16:00 CET | ZOOM ID: 7754910236Hosted by Clarissa Whitmire (A05 Postdoc)
PhD-postdoc Coordinator Lisa Velenosi: After Annabelle Singer’s talk on decoding memory in healthy and patient populations, we moved to the more intimate Meet-the-speaker session wherein students had the opportunity to discuss both scientific and more personal career-development issues. Given that Annabelle currently works in the USA and her talk coincided with President Trump’s restrictions on student VISAs and travel restrictions, the discussion focused on the future of research in the USA and the students appreciated the candid discussion about the issues that the President has created for Annabelle’s students and the doctoral program which she is a member of.
See poster for the talk >>