Meet-the-Speaker | Hippocampal Cognitive Maps: Memory and Context
October 2, 2023 I 4 pm I BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin + ZOOM Meeting-ID: 775 491 0236Lynn Nadel – Meet-the-Speaker meetings
(9:30 am) Project Z
Matthew Larkum
(10:00) Project B04
Yee Lee Shing & Iryna Schommartz
(11:00) Projects A04, A10
AG Larkum
(12:00) Lunch with Scientific Discussions
AG Viana da Silva, AG Haberl & PhDs
(13:00) Mary Peterson & Project B04
Yee Lee Shing & Iryna Schommartz
(14:00) Project B05
AG Finke & Ploner
(16:00) SFB1315 Talk
Hippocampal Cognitive Maps: Memory and Context
(18:00) Speaker Dinner with Scientific Discussions