Meet-the-Speaker | Ways to think about the brain
Mar 16, 2021 | 16:00 CET | ZOOM ID: 7754910236Hosted by Lisa Velenosi (Network Outreach Coordinator, PhD-Postdoc cohort)
Lisa: We were incredibly happy to have Prof. György Buzsáki give an incredibly popular (almost 500 in attendance!) lecture as part of Berlin’s annual Brain Awareness Week, and even happier to have him spend an extra 2 hours(!) discussing science with the early career researchers in the audience. An international mix of young researchers took advantage of the intimate and open atmosphere to ask György’s opinion on Open Science, the future directions of neuroscience, and everything in between. György made clear how important mentoring early career researchers is and left everyone with an important message:
“the next big thing in neuroscience is whatever you’re interested in”