
Infrastructure for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) Data

The INF-N project will foster the collaboration between CRC1315 projects by building an open infrastructure for the management of data (storage, documentation, processing, sharing and publication) and a theoretically grounded computational framework. To address the challenges of sharing large amounts of heterogeneous datasets within the consortium, we will implement tools for data management and scientific communication, provide training to the researchers, support researchers in their data management plan production and implementation, curate data during the research process, and foster the publication of research outputs other than classical journal contributions (datasets, software, reagents, and hardware). We are participating in several international consortia that are building data management solutions (in particular inside the NFDI neuroscience, INCF, EBRAINS) and we plan to employ established solutions in this CRC and to coordinate new developments with these international communities. This will allow us to produce (and publish) findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data, and will promote a transparent and responsible research process.


Principal Investigators


Participating Institutions